Browsing: Urgant Ivan

Media: General Producer Of Evening Urgant Fled To Dubai

Media: General producer of Evening Urgant fled to Dubai The flight to Dubai of the general producer of the First Channel, Alexander Faifman, left his 200-meter apartment without an owner. Faifman steered the show “Evening Urgant” from hut 4 on Kolymazhny, 10. The Kazakh oligarch presented the neighboring penthouse to the security guard of the […]

“Evening Urgant” Slammed

“According to my source, the decision was made to close Evening Urgant,” the famous presenter wrote on her Telegram channel. Channel One reacted immediately to this news. “It’s a lie. The channel is now operating in the information mode, absolutely all entertainment programs are not being released – from Fashionable Sentence to Evening Urgant, ”the […]