Offshore leaks

Leaks of banks involved in tax hiding corrupt officials, major investigations by journalists. suisse secrets, pana papers, bahama papers, paradise papers

Leaks of banks involved in tax hiding corrupt officials, major investigations by journalists. suisse secrets, pana papers, bahama papers, paradise papers

Family Treasure Of The Deputy Chairman Of The Board Of Gazprom: 5-Star Hotel In Montenegro, Government Contracts And Millions Of Inexplicable Origin

The building of the Infirmary in Meljin (XVIII century) – one of the buildings of the hotel Lazure The hotel does not hide some of its investors. One of them – Valery Pustarnakov – in 2015 brought there his collection of paintings by St. Petersburg realist artists. But the certificate of registration of Imperio Holdings […]

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Family Treasure Of The Deputy Chairman Of The Board Of Gazprom: 5-Star Hotel In Montenegro, Government Contracts And Millions Of Inexplicable Origin

The building of the Infirmary in Meljin (XVIII century) – one of the buildings of the hotel Lazure The hotel does not hide some of its investors. One of them – Valery Pustarnakov – in 2015 brought there his collection of paintings by St. Petersburg realist artists. But the certificate of registration of Imperio Holdings […]

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The Former Deputy Minister Of Culture Of The Russian Federation Was Sentenced To 9 Years For The Creation Of An Organized Criminal Group That Stole 800 Million Rubles From The Budget For The Reconstruction Of The Hermitage

Grigory Pirumov Krasnogorsk City Court of the Moscow Region sentenced former deputy minister of culture Grigory Pirumov to nine years in prison in the case of embezzlement of budget funds, his lawyer Fedor Kupriyanov told RBC. RBC sent a request to the court. Pirumov served as First Deputy Minister of Culture in 2013–2015. The Ministry […]

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Sanctioned Billionaire Gains Citizenship And A Roof In The Uae

Alexandra and Andrey Melnichenko Founder of EuroChem and SUEK Andrey Melnichenko became a UAE citizen in 2021. This was reported to Forbes by his representative. He said that in January 2021, the UAE government amended into the law on citizenship and passports, allowing investors, professionals, scientists and intellectuals to obtain citizenship of the Emirates. “To […]

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How Officials Of The Presidential Administration From Yevgeny Mikhailenko To Alexander Kharichev Mastered Millions And “Did Not Upset Vladimir Vladimirovich”

Vladimir Putin If Putin goes to the websites of the main sociological services – VTsIOM – the All-Russian Center for the Study of Public Opinion or FOM – the Public Opinion Foundation – he will see there both a pleasant and surprising picture. The data on how many Russians approve of his activities look almost […]

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Leningrad Area Closely Examined

The arrests of officials in the Leningrad region, in terms of numbers, have already broken all unimaginable records. Almost every month someone is grabbed by the white hands. According to rumors, a whole brigade of security officials is working on cleaning up the bureaucratic ranks. According to our data, this is happening in anticipation of […]

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