Offshore leaks

Leaks of banks involved in tax hiding corrupt officials, major investigations by journalists. suisse secrets, pana papers, bahama papers, paradise papers

Leaks of banks involved in tax hiding corrupt officials, major investigations by journalists. suisse secrets, pana papers, bahama papers, paradise papers

Family Treasure Of The Deputy Chairman Of The Board Of Gazprom: 5-Star Hotel In Montenegro, Government Contracts And Millions Of Inexplicable Origin

The building of the Infirmary in Meljin (XVIII century) – one of the buildings of the hotel Lazure The hotel does not hide some of its investors. One of them – Valery Pustarnakov – in 2015 brought there his collection of paintings by St. Petersburg realist artists. But the certificate of registration of Imperio Holdings […]

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Family Treasure Of The Deputy Chairman Of The Board Of Gazprom: 5-Star Hotel In Montenegro, Government Contracts And Millions Of Inexplicable Origin

The building of the Infirmary in Meljin (XVIII century) – one of the buildings of the hotel Lazure The hotel does not hide some of its investors. One of them – Valery Pustarnakov – in 2015 brought there his collection of paintings by St. Petersburg realist artists. But the certificate of registration of Imperio Holdings […]

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Vladislav Kulyukin followed in the footsteps of corrupt parents The Prosecutor General’s Office confiscated 7 million rubles from the Chekist, the son of former FSB security officers. on 10 accounts and about 1 million rubles. in cash The original of this material © URA.ru11/21/2022, “Kommersant”: corruption assets seized from the son of an ex-FSB officer […]

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How A United Russia Businessman Ruined A Strategic Industry In 20 Years Instead Of Import Substitution

The original of this material © igolkin11/21/2022, via Photo: Oleg Savchenko The Ministry of Industry and Trade is sounding the alarm: the Russian economy is faced with a shortage of bearings – the most important component in the production and operation of industrial equipment, cars, railway cars. Most of the Soviet factories that produced […]

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Moscow Authorities Prevented The Founder Of Lukoil From Building A Penthouse In The Center Of The Capital

Vagit Alekperov Workers dismantled a structure on the roof of a residential building in Moscow, in the illegal construction of which the authorities accused the founder of LUKOIL Vagit AlekperovaRBC was told in the State Inspectorate for Real Estate and confirmed in the press service of the city property department of the capital. “Colleagues went […]

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The Moscow Arbitration Court Recovered 71.2 Billion Rubles From The Former Owner And Board Of Directors Of Binbank. In Favor Of The Bank “Opening”

Mikail Shishkhanov The Moscow Arbitration Court, at the suit of the Central Bank, recovered 71.2 billion rubles. from former owner Binbank Mikaila Shishkhanova and ex-chairman of the bank Alexander Lukin, RBC was told in the press service of the court. Funds were collected in favor of Bank “Opening”to which Binbank is now attached. The court […]

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The Ex-Head Of The Ministry Of Transport Of Karelia Was Sentenced To 15 Years And A Fine Of 40 Million Rubles. For 1.8 Million Rubles. Bribes From The Contractor For The Reconstruction Of The Petrozavodsk Airport

Alexey Kaydalov Former Minister of Transport of Karelia Alexey Kaydalov found guilty of accepting a bribe on an especially large scale during the reconstruction of the Petrozavodsk airport. Petrozavodsk City Court sentenced Kaidalov on Monday, November 21, to 15 years in prison in a strict regime colony, the press service of the investigative department of […]

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