Browsing: oligarchs

&Quot;Honey Trap&Quot; For The Oligarch

Recent revelations about Katerina Bosov, the widow of the former coal magnate, shed new light on the case of bringing Dmitry Bosov to suicide, making it worthy of further scrutiny by the media and law enforcement agencies.

Vladimir Plahotniuc Added Wings To Loans

Vladimir Plahotniuc attached wings to loans The former leader of the Democratic Party of Moldova was accused of laundering $ 21 million stolen from the Banca de Economii through the purchase of a plane Vlad Plahotniuc has been charged with a new criminal case on bank fraud, including the creation and management of a criminal […]

Cashier Of The Nazarbayev Clan Patokh Chodiev Fled To Moscow

Cashier of the Nazarbayev clan Patokh Chodiev fled to Moscow The purse of the Nazarbayev clan Patokh Chodiev boarded a jet and flew away from rebellious Kazakhstan. In Moscow, Patokh is waiting for his secret Russian passport 4506000916. And a whole apartment on wheels for 9 lamas, tesla x100d number H306CH750. A Russian mobile is […]

Akhmetov’s Fortune In 2021 Increased By More Than 50%

Akhmetov’s fortune in 2021 increased by more than 50% The total value of the assets of Ukrainian entrepreneur Rinat Akhmetov increased by 55% in 2021. This is reported by the American edition of Bloomberg. In 2021, Akhmetov’s fortune increased by $4.14 billion. Now it is $11.7 billion. Rinat Akhmetov took 190th place in the ranking […]