Browsing: Bilyuchenko Alexey

Malofeev crushed WEX

Malofeev crushed WEX Representatives of the Initiative Group to investigate the case of the collapsed ($450 million worth of cryptocurrencies disappeared) WEX cryptocurrency exchange became aware of the investigators’ intentions to make concessions to Konstantin Malofeev. It was decided to transfer the arrested cryptocurrency to the nominal owner of the exchange, ex-fighter of the Donetsk […]

Wex will not be seen: the Ministry of Internal Affairs suspects a top manager of a crypto exchange in embezzlement

The Ministry of Internal Affairs reported on the detention of the co-owner of one of the cryptocurrency exchanges, suspected of embezzlement. Probably, we are talking about the WEX exchange and Alexey Bilyuchenko. Last year, the former head of Wex was arrested in Warsaw after $450 million belonging to investors around the world disappeared from its […]