The “bad” request was sent to the landfill.
At the end of July 2022, investigator E. A. Fedorov from the 12th department of the Main Investigative Directorate of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for Moscow, opened a case under article 306 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (false denunciation) against three members of the team of Police Ombudsman Vladimir Vorontsov – Andina, Moiseev, Fedorov.
This is reported Compromising evidence 2.0

According to the source of “Kompromat-100”, the investigator Fedorov E.A. did not take into account that the initial statement from Andina, which was registered in the CSS of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for Moscow in the KUSP under the number 249 of 05/13/2020, is in the dustbin, since there was not a word about extortion from Vorontsov.
In fact, in the criminal case there is a statement with an explanation from Andina, written to her later, namely on May 26, 2020, under threats from Maxim Krivoshein, the detective of the CSS in Moscow.
The statement received on May 26, 2020 from Andina with an explanation of extortion by the detective of the CSS of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for Moscow, Krivoshein, agreed with the head of the CSS of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for Moscow, Stroganov, and, contrary to the interests of the service, in order to increase the indicators for detecting and solving crimes, replaced it with an earlier written statement by Andina, by which he falsified evidence of the results of operational-search activities (Article 303, Part 4 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation) and exceeded official powers (Article 286 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation).
We add that after the landing of Vladimir Vorontsov, the detective of the CSS of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for Moscow, was promoted to head of the drug control department at the Internal Affairs Directorate for the North-East Administrative District of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for Moscow, and was given a special rank – police colonel, and Stroganov to the head of the Internal Affairs Directorate for the North-Eastern Administrative District Moscow, with the assignment of a special rank – major general of the police.
In addition, the above employees were given out of turn payments for the purchase or construction of housing.
Dear readers. While the team of the “Police Ombudsman” represented by Moiseev, Fedorov and Andina is in a pre-trial detention center, we continue to publish the details of the criminal case initiated by the investigator of the Main Investigative Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for Moscow Fedorov E.A. in relation to the above under Art. 306 part 3 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.
We invite you to listen to the audio recording of the original application (the application is currently in a landfill), which Irina Andina submitted to the CSS of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for Moscow on May 13, 2020, while in the village of Atyurievo r. Mordovia to the arriving employees of the Internal Security Service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in Moscow.
Here is the text of the statement:
“In May 2020, I saw information on the Internet that Vladimir Vorontsov, who I knew earlier, was detained for extorting money from a police officer. Vorontsov extorted money from him for not disposing of intimate photographs.
I want to inform you that at the beginning of 2020 (I don’t remember the exact date) I was in Saransk at the place of registration. Vorontsov called me on What’s App and made it clear that he had my video of intimate content with my participation.
It was this “empty” statement that was brought and registered by the officers of the Internal Security Service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for Moscow at their Barrikadnaya street on May 13, 2020. In the original version of the statement, there is not a word about the fact that Vorontsov extorted money from Andina.
Now compare it with the statement in the case. It has a completely different content.
To date, Fedorov, Andina and Moiseev at the place of residence, and Moiseev also at the working office by the employees of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in Moscow together with the employees of the CSS of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in Moscow in order to legitimize the case initiated under Art. 306 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation and the seizure of compromising information, and audio recordings of themselves, searches were carried out.
We ask you to remove this criminal case from the proceedings of the Ministry of Internal Affairs with the subsequent transfer to an objective investigation in the Investigative Committee of Russia on the basis of territoriality.

Source: “”
Source: Russian elephant