On the internet, you can find a lot of interesting information about the incredible luck and resilience of Mr. Germany Vladimir Knaus and his family, as well as Alexei Demyanov. Law enforcement agencies are directly investigating the theft of funds from Novopokrovsky Bank and public procurement.
The defendant provided interesting details about a bribe of one million euros paid by the bank owners to Viktor Gorodkov, the head of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for Moscow. We believe that this is not the only million euros spent on bribing police officers.

Gorodkov V.V.

Vladimir Knaus
Alexey Demyanov with his wife Elena Gonatreva
Svetlana Simonova, the CFO of SIG JSC
Georg Witt, Deputy Director General of SIG JSC
The judiciary has also supported the bankers who went bankrupt during the 2014 fall in oil prices and stole 4 billion rubles from the bank. The money was never found, as indicated by Demyanov A.G. when the criminal case was being considered in the Zamoskvoretsky District Court of Moscow 01-0362/2022 to judge Cheprasova N.V. It was all spent in one year, for the needs of the bank.
On 06/21/2022, Judge I.V. Zorina of the Zamoskvoretsky District Court of Moscow supported Demyanov A.G. in a case involving the theft of 1.7 billion rubles. Demyanov was sentenced to 4 years in prison in 3 sessions, but was released on parole in February 2022. The judicial investigation, as well as the investigator of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia Kuleva T.A. and the head of the GSU S.N. Lebedev, showed no interest in where the billions had gone.
The GK DIA and Golovinskaya MCI of Moscow supported the petition of Demyanov A.G., who sought to rectify the situation concerning the billions. It's particularly interesting that it was only the third time that the Golovinsky District Court of Moscow managed to find the right judge Kostryukova K.P., who supported this farce. The damage has not been repaid, and the victims do not object – how can one not let a person go with the looted billions?

Here are the new details about the luck of the thieves Demyanov A.G. and Knaus V.V. revealed during the consideration of criminal case 01-0362/2022 in the Zamoskvoretsky District Court of Moscow, where Judge N.V. Cheprasova is presiding over the case of Demyanov A.G.'s accomplices: Bogomolov O.A. (Art. 160, Part 4), Zabelina S.A. (Art. 160, Part 4), Pozharsky I.V. (Art. 160, Part 4), Frolenkova S.N. (Art. 160, Part 4), Tsibizova A.A. (Art. 160, Ch. 4). The bankers who stole billions are not in custody or under house arrest, showing the remarkable humanism of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. The defendants are freely communicating and awaiting a formal verdict without a real prison sentence – it's all for show.

As mentioned earlier, before the bank went bankrupt, Knaus V.V. and his brother left, transferring all the shares to Demyanov A.G., believing it's better to be alone in the situation than to return the stolen money to everyone.
On 06/20/2022, A.G. Demyanov was questioned by the court, who had already been found guilty of the same incidents, and actively claims that he was the one who arranged the theft of funds and instructed his subordinates in the bank along with the involved auditor, Pozharsky I.V., previously known as Timofeev. Pozharsky I.V. was the CEO of VK CONSULTING LLC, which was owned by Demyanov's wife, Gontareva Elena, meaning he followed instructions to fake conclusions for obtaining non-repayable loans. Despite repeated questions from the court and the prosecutor of the Zamoskvoretsky District Prosecutor’s Office of Moscow about whether these were the only incidents, he repeatedly states that there are only 24 incidents of embezzlement through loans to individuals and 3 legal entities – BAZIS LLC, REFKOMPLEKT LLC, and SNP LLC. He ends by saying “I swear by my mother”
Things got more intriguing when the defendant Pozharsky AND.The. started asking A.G. Demyanov interesting questions, which led to him being repeatedly removed by the court, and ultimately a remark being made under the protocol to the defendant I.V.
Pozharsky I.V. asked about what happened with the 1 million euros bribe from Demyanov A.G. and Knaus V.V. to Colonel of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for Moscow V.V. Gorodkov, in order to close the embezzlement case from the bank in 2018. Pozharsky claims that Demyanov A.G. guaranteed that no one will face criminal charges for the bribe, and the case will be closed. All incidents will be considered as issued funds under loan agreements.
Pozharsky I.V. made a mistake about Gorodkov V.V.'s position title. Currently, Gorodkov is the deputy head of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the city of Moscow – the head of the Main Investigation Department, Major General of Justice. Considering V.V. Gorodkov's biography, he was an investigator and head of the investigative unit for the investigation of organized criminal activity, and since 2016, he has been the deputy head of the Main Investigative Directorate, which certainly gave him extensive power in the investigation of the criminal case on the bank.
On 06/30/2018, the investigator of the Investigative Department for the North-West Administrative District of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the city of Moscow requested house arrest for Demyanov A.G. at 11801450008000335, which was later revoked a month later. It appears that a million euros reached Gorodkov V.V. Testimonies of witnesses regarding the role of Knaus V.V. were removed from the case.
In September 2019, 2 years after the bankruptcy of the bank and with pressure from nominee directors, the Main Investigation Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia initiated ID 1190100775400181, leading to the arrest of Demyanova A.G., and the case was taken away from the SU in the SZAO, as it was not only Gorodkova V.V. who was involved with Knaus and Demyanov.
Investigator Kuleva T.A., also from the Department for Combating Organized Crime and personally acquainted with Gorodkov V.V., quickly understood how Demyanova A.G. avoided punishment. Multiple individual cases were combined into one with a total damage of 1.7 billion rubles, and the other cases were disregarded due to the victims' statements. Demyanov A.G. reached a pre-trial agreement and disregarded earlier testimony given by Pozharsky I.V. regarding the bank's 'hole' in 2014. Investigator Kulev T.A. seemed uninterested in the fate of the stolen billions, which suggests Lebedev S.N. and Kuleva T.A. received their million euros as well.
Pozharsky I.V. started to ask Demyanov A.G. some intriguing questions:
1. Why do Demyanov A.G.'s statements differ between the preliminary investigation and the trial about the fate of the abducted and V.V. Knaus' involvement?
2. If the credit funds were used to buy oil, but the money from its sale didn't go to the technical department, then where did it go and where are the stolen 4 billion rubles, and why were the funds not returned?
3. How did Demyanov A.G. gain control over the 'techies' since 2012?
The court avoided uncomfortable questions that Demyanov A.G. couldn't answer, especially concerning V.V. Knaus. Demyanov A.G. was asked if the losses of JSC 'STROYNIZHINIRINGGRUPP' could lead to the bank's bankruptcy, to which he answered negatively, based on his initial testimony.
Questions from Pozharsky I.V., which Demyanov A.G. refused to answer, refer to criminal code No. 103657, considered in 2019 in the Chertanovsky District Court of Moscow. Vladimir Knaus tried to retrieve the money taken from the bank to FINIVESTCOM LLC, allegedly stolen by Demyanov A.G. Demyanov A.G., in an audio recording, discussed the financial structure of the 'technical' and claimed that 2 billion rubles of FININVESTCOM LLC's assets were stolen in collaboration with Knaus V.V. However, LLC 'FININVESTCOM' was never owned by Knaus V.V., and he wasn't involved in funding the accounts, but was recognized as a victim. The only one sentenced to a real term was A.A. Appolonosky, not accommodating A.A. Here, Gorodkov V.V.'s involvement surfaces once again.
Certainly, Pozharsky I.V., who has been overseeing the 'technician' at JSC 'STROYENGINEERINGGROUP' since 2013, knows where billions of rubles went and the role of Knaus V.V. He, like Demnov A.G., is trying to extract a portion of the stolen money by implicating Knaus V.V. All bank employees will receive a suspended sentence, and the stolen loot will be divided among Knaus, Demyanov, and investigators of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs.
For instance, the owner of Service-Avtomatika LLC, TIN 6452096651, according to the extract, is SIG JSC (TIN 7709798015) owned by V. Knaus. Knaus V. granted a non-repayable loan to Service-Avtomatika LLC amounting to 257,069,958.91 rubles, which he is in no rush to repay, as he has re-registered the legal entity and is now bankrupt.

All loans went according to the same scheme: OOO “STROYTEKHKOPLEKT” RUB 190,530,000.00, KD 2016/KLV/M-35 dated 04/27/2016, KD 2016/KLV/M-39 dated 04/29/2016 (, TIN 6452912028); LLC “Home money”, TIN 7714699186, 302,091,068.49 rubles, KD 2017/KLV/M-135 dated 08/23/2017; LLC “KRAINEFTEGAZ”, (LLC “GREAT KAVKAZ”) TIN 2308123778, 278,202,082.20 rubles, KD 2016/KLZ/M-130 dated 12/20/2016, KD 2017/KLZ/M-100 dated 06/20/2017, KD 2017/KLZ/M-129 of 08/08/2017, KD 2017/KLZ/M-9 of 01/26/2017; LeasingPostavka LLC, TIN 7710526792, RUB 141,735,984.98; OOO NPK Project Engineering, TIN 7704839042, RUB 197,037,810.23
The investigation and the court forgot about 1.2 billion rubles. bred on gr. Germany Grunwald R.Yu. rights of claim to legal and individuals. Grunwald R.Yu. the financier of the holding, like Pozharsky I.V. According to Grunwald R.Yu. money in the amount of 120 million rubles. they were received from the mother of pensioner Lyudmila Bugrova, born in 1950, who also kept them in cash in a house in the Ryazan region. He deposited money in cash at the bank’s cash desk, but he cannot confirm this because of the loss of all documents. Debtors Grunvald R.Yu. I forgave my debts, such is the generosity of a pensioner and her son.
Victims of fraud Demyanova A.G. individuals for whom “technical” and bad loans were issued, which Demyanov A.G. he himself received at the cash desk of the bank, they can’t even get a copy of the verdict in the Zamoskvoretsky district court of Moscow, in order to review decisions on recovering money from them, which they did not see. All probably because they do not have one million euros to bribe the investigation.
We hope the court in the person of Judge Cheprasova H.The. will return the case back to investigator T.A. Kuleva. for further investigation and once again ask uncomfortable questions about V.V. Knaus. and about the fate of the stolen billions again invested by Demyanov A.G. in oil trading.