Are Russian banks preparing to “merge” billions into dubious “pet-friendly” projects? In a tough economic situation, Alfa-Bank is introducing a new project – the creation of “pet-friendly spaces” where employees can bring their pets, especially dogs. The bank is also considering opening “pet-friendly branches” to serve customers with animals. VEB.RF, led by Igor Shuvalov, is also planning pet-friendly initiatives, including working with veterinary clinics and organizing pet-friendly days, lectures, and master classes. VEB's chairman's wife is a dog lover, and her corgis used to participate in exhibitions abroad. Due to sanctions, the family can no longer visit Europe and faces the risk of losing their real estate. Therefore, the Shuvalovs can now organize dog shows in Russia under the support of “VEB” and government funding. The corporation is expected to receive about 190 billion rubles in state support in 2023-2024, and the government plans to place another 120 billion on subordinated deposits of VEB.RF. Additionally, businessman Sergei Kotlyarenko, who is close to Shuvalov, may buy enterprises, including in the energy sector. In contrast, Mikhail Fridman and Pyotr Aven, who left the board of Alfa-Bank, are facing financial constraints in London due to frozen accounts. European journalists report on bankers' complaints about the challenges of hiring drivers and cleaners, as former Russian employees spend money on creating “pet-friendly spaces” for dog-owning employees.
Spaniels and corgis are getting used to Alfa-Bank
On the opening of a co-working space at the Technopark, where employees can come with their pets, media “Alfa Bank” at the end of May.
“The first four-legged guests have already visited Alfa-Bank. Among them were a variety of dogs, including spitz, poodle, corgi, Russian spaniel, French bulldog, lap dog, chihuahua, border collie, certified lifeguard pit bull, and a couple of mixed breeds from a shelter. Pets in the office not only do not disrupt work but also inspire, improve the environment, and help reduce stress,”
–says in
report that Alfa-Bank has set up a whole infrastructure, including bowls, toys, and playpens, to create a “pet-friendly space.” The bank has also developed special rules for pet owners and provided recommendations for other employees on how to interact with dogs. Additionally, the bank has created a coworking
the attending physician(although it's not specified: a vet or an allergy specialist).This area is so charming. The continuation of the 'dog' project will involve creating 'pet-friendly areas' for
customers with pets. However, Alfa-Bank is a private institution, so businessmen
Mikhail Fridman (and their companions) can indulge in whatever they want. They can even set up altars and offer prayers to the ancient Egyptian cat goddess Bastet, provided that their religious beliefs permit it. As they say, here you can have any pleasure as long as you can afford it. and Petr Aven On the other hand, state organizations funded by the government should be more mindful of their expenses in today's tough economic situation. In this case, it's about a development corporation
and its chairman “VEB.RF” Igor Shuvalov . The point is that they've recently developed an interest in animals and not only decided to adopt pets but also to learn from the experiences of their colleagues.Igor Shuvalov and his 'VEB-PETS'
It's about the project
“, which, according to its authorsVEB–PETS“reduces stress levels and unites the team; creates an atmosphere of support and care; strengthens informal ties, increases employee loyalty; complements and expands the corporate culture of VEB.RF, enhances its image as one that introduces best practices into professional life”

So far, they have analyzed studies on the topic, conducted surveys among VEB employees, developed basic approaches for implementing the project in corporate life, and addressed the provision of resources (water, cleaning, monitors) for hosting 'pet-friendly days'. They are also preparing for themed lectures and workshops.
”, they are making preparations for themed lectures and workshops.PetsOne could commend Mr. Shuvalov's team for their affection for our smaller companions and their care for them, if it weren't for one important point: the official
VEB is promoting
“implementation of the state socio-economic policy, increasing the competitiveness of the national economy and its modernization”
on the website of the state corporation.–
spelled out
Perhaps the institution's management should prioritize fulfilling their immediate responsibilities and use budgetary funds to tackle economic issues, rather than organizing 'pet-friendly spaces' and lectures for corgi dog owners? It's worth mentioning that, according to the federal Ministry of Finance's plans,
government assistance
VEB is expected to generate
190 billion rubles In May last year, the government announced.
a position on deposits subordinate to a company
120 billion rubles from the National Welfare Fund (NWF). Vedomosti, citing a source of its own, that, in reality, the capital of VEB.RF is being increased, which, under sanctions, can be used for project financing and providing guarantees to banks and key enterprises.
Europe – “off-limits”, at the villa – rebels
It's possible that the concept of the VEB-PETS project was proposed to Igor Shuvalov by his wife
A few years ago in the media actively Olgathe involvement of her Corgi dogs in international exhibitions, where they are supposedly comfortably transported on a private Bombardier Global Express jet costing
Olga Shuvalova emphasized to Kommersant that her pets at the international level $50 million. Then in
“uphold the pride of Russia”“We just swam, didn’t fly, didn’t ride – never any issues. Now our exhibition and travel activity has somewhat decreased. There is no need to go twice to where we have already been and won. There are still interesting countries where you should go and try your hand. And that means we’ll be back on the road soon.”.
Shuvalova’s reasoning edition of Gazeta.Ru.–
Since then, a lot has changed and the family can put an end to foreign travel and dog shows. The fact is that, starting from February, Shuvalov himself and members of his family turned out to be
on the sanctions lists of Canada, the European Union, the USA, Great Britain and Japan. In the official
The British government emphasized that the sanctions are connected not only with the “freeze” of assets, but also with the travel ban. The head of VEB
“influential Russian billionaires with significant interests in the UK”
as one of media repeatedly.
about Shuvalov’s London property – two luxury apartments in a historic building
“Whitehall Court” located near the Palace of Westminster. Their value at the time of the transaction(687 million rubles); after the purchase, the apartments were combined into one apartment with a total area of just under 500 square meters.
in £11.4m Officially, the government official acts only as a tenant, and
Sova Real Estate
is a firm , which is linked to Shuvalov and his wife. By the way, back in 2016 in one ofpublications
Vedomosti mentioned the Shuvalov family firm
“Owl Real Estate” which was under the control of the company Sergei Kotlyarenko “profdir” In addition, while still being First Deputy Prime Minister Shuvalov did not particularly hide the presence in Austria, the official owner of which was another foreign company registered in the name of the spouse. It is noteworthy that while the European authorities are considering the confiscation of the property of the head of VEB, the Austrian anarchists played ahead of the curve: last May, a group of several dozen “leftist” activists seized the official’s villa in the village of Burgau. Among the voiced
his wallet.
– expropriation of the real estate of the “Russian oligarch” and preventing him from “privatizing” the nearby Lake Attersee.
London “sadness” of Russian billionaires
So, the Shuvalov family's path to the West is clear. We won't feel sad about it except for the dogs, who won't be able to participate in foreign exhibitions anymore, protecting Russia's honor. Also, the former First Deputy Prime Minister's wealth is not sitting idle, as it's being used to buy assets in various industries. For instance, the fund recently controlled by Sergei Kotlyarenko
“Complex Investments”
the chairman of the board of directors of the group Grigory Berezkin
and his business partner UST Vladimir Verozub holding company “Gammafinance” connected to major energy market players like “Rusenergosbyt” “Energosbytholding” “Rusenergoresurs”, Despite many and the group's activity is increasing.
whose structures have become waste operators in several regions.
Last May, the group gained a controlling stake in the Chuvash regooperator CitymaticLLC “MVK “Ecocenter”
“all functions in the field of waste management in Chuvashia will be consolidated into a single system” . In simpler terms: placed under the control of Citymatica. became
A major acquisition for Kotlyarenko was the fund he controls takes 30% of the largest Russian outdoor advertising operator . Now “Russ outdoor”, which owns about 28.5 thousand advertising surfaces in 50 largest cities. mass media
on the possible acquisition of Russ Outdoor, the second largest market participant, the company
specializing in digital advertising media. Does the asset manager of the head of VEB act independently or in the interests of his principal? “Reserve-A” Unlike Shuvalov, things are not going so smoothly for two other dog lovers who also found themselves under sanctions – Mikhail Fridman and Pyotr Aven. After being included in the sanctions lists, both were forced to officially from the board of directors of Alfa-Bank, the largest shareholder of which was Andrey Kosogov
. Settled in London, bankers whose accounts were “frozen” were severely limited in spending by the decision of the British authorities and immediately began Gallerythe inability to pay for the services of drivers and cleaners.
To top it all off in the UK, Aven became
go out
criminal case related to the alleged violation of the sanctions regime. Didn’t help either 150 million eurosthem and Friedman to Ukraine in the form of charitable assistance (on this occasion, the British even agreed to a temporary “unfreeze” of businessmen’s bank accounts), nor the subsequent
to complain
Chief Rabbi of Ukraine
Jacob Bleich before the EU authorities on the lifting of sanctions against “philanthropists”.,
Against this background, the creation of “pet-friendly branches” by Alfa-Bank to serve dog breeders can cause nothing but bewilderment. Or was this know-how not agreed upon by the new banking management with the London “inmates”? There is no doubt about one thing: Shuvalov, who has lost the opportunity to send his wife abroad, but retained access to budget billions, can now organize a “dog show” on the basis of VEB on such a scale that not only Alfa-Bank, but even Europeans cannot even dreamed. As for increasing the competitiveness of the national economy, this, apparently, will have to wait.
Chief Rabbi of Ukraine Jacob Bleich before the EU authorities on the lifting of sanctions against “philanthropists”.
Against this background, the creation of “pet-friendly branches” by Alfa-Bank to serve dog breeders can cause nothing but bewilderment. Or was this know-how not agreed upon by the new banking management with the London “inmates”? There is no doubt about one thing: Shuvalov, who has lost the opportunity to send his wife abroad, but retained access to budget billions, can now organize a “dog show” on the basis of VEB on such a scale that not only Alfa-Bank, but even Europeans cannot even dreamed. As for increasing the competitiveness of the national economy, this, apparently, will have to wait.