Russian railways may not be truly owned by the state. In recent years, the Russian Railways State Corporation has been actively selling its most profitable assets.
Among them – “Central Suburban Passenger Company”, which runs electric trains in Moscow and central Russia. The ones who gained from the privatization of the CPPK were connected to the Izmailovsky organized criminal group. oligarchs Bokarev and Makhmudov. It was discovered that auctions were carried out using deceitful schemes, where the shares of a state-owned company were bought cheaply by firms registered at par. As a result, an ordinary lawyer from Mytishchi has become a billionaire, and now owns shares in the largest transport companies. The InsiderCentral Suburban Passenger Company is the biggest suburban railway carrier in Russia. It transports 1.6 million passengers daily to Moscow, Moscow, Ryazan, Kaluga, Vladimir regions and other regions. JSC “Central PPK” is now private, whereas it was a branch of Russian Railways not long ago. Corruption schemes led the state to gradually lose property rights and billions of rubles.
Fake auction
Russian Railways had 50% ownership in TsPPK, until it sold 25% to the Moscow Passenger Company in 2013. The latter was owned by the Cypriot Fredlake Holdings Ltd, connected to Iskandar Makhmudov and Andrey Bokarev. The privatization continued in 2017, when the sale of another 25% of the shares was announced. The state company was supposed to receive at least 4.2 billion rubles for its share, but it was bought for almost 2 billion rubles cheaper. The winner of the auction was Route Systems LLC, a mysterious company registered just a month before the competition. It was found out that the same Bokarev and Makhmudov, who registered the company as nominees, are behind it.
Anna Boeva acted as a co-founder of Route Systems, and soon she became the sole formal owner of the company. This woman, before buying out the expensive asset of Russian Railways, worked as a lawyer at MPK LLC and continued to be listed in this company even after she became the official co-owner of a large business. She received a salary, lived in a 41-meter apartment near Moscow and took small consumer loans, all while supposedly having a business worth billions. planned The clue to the mysterious winner of the auction lay in the owners of MPK LLC, for which Boeva works: Fredlake Holdings Bokarev-Makhmudov. Additionally, MPK LLC directly participated in the tender for the right to purchase shares of the CPPK, almost competing with themselves and lowering the price of the Russian Railways asset. This explains the significant reduction in the price of the shares: the auction was held with a gradual decrease in price until one of the participants agreed to pay the announced amount. sold As a result, the CPPK was only paid 2.3 billion rubles for a blocking stake.
Today, this amount is even lower than the company’s annual net profit (2.8 billion for 2021) and 25 times less than annual revenue (57.7 billion).
A wealthy person from Mytishchi oligarchs Anna Boeva was born in 1983 in the city of Glukhov, Sumy region of Ukraine. Then she lived in Kursk before moving to the Moscow region. She initially worked as an administrator at the Milk advertising agency. After that, she became a legal adviser at the MPK and eventually became the head of the legal department. She owns a 2012 Honda.
On her VKontakte page, the owner of the largest suburban railway carrier shares coupons for free photos with friends and reposts public posts with philosophical and boyish quotes. But she clearly predicted that she would obtain a major asset of Russian Railways. A few years before the deal with the state-owned company, she published poems on her page about how unpredictable life can be. oligarchs She shared life wisdom with friends, saying, Dream… And never think that dreams do not come true. Worthy people’s dreams always come true. You just need to be patient. If Anna dreamed of succeeding in business without having any prerequisites for this at all, then the recipe for just dreaming can be considered successful.
In addition to the share in the TsPPK, Boeva also holds Avtopass LLC, which developed a contactless payment system. She also owns Datapax non-cash public transport fares, which are being introduced in several cities in Russia. She also controls a share in the Unified Federal System for Monitoring and Control of Passenger Transportation by Technopass Buses, which is conducted jointly with the state corporation Rostec and the Rotenberg family.
Through her company Transnavisoft LLC, Boeva is implementing a system for dispatching control of passenger transport and is also the beneficiary of the Odnakassa system, an aggregator for buying tickets in cooperation with state carriers.

Involvement in illegal activities

Andrey Bokarev and Iskandar Makhmudov are longtime partners who own shares in various companies and are leaders in obtaining government contracts.
Andrey Bokarev
Makhmudov and Bokarev were defendants in several criminal cases as entrepreneurs through whom money was laundered.
In a 2007 German criminal case, they were identified as holders of the common fund of the Izmailovsky organized criminal group, and in the materials of the Spanish criminal case of 2008, it was revealed that the money of the Tambov-Malyshev organized criminal group was also laundered through their UMMC.
They also have extensive connections in power circles. For example, one of their business partners is Alexei Krivoruchko, who is now the Deputy Minister of Defense of Russia. Until 2017, they were shareholders of the Kalashnikov arms concern. Putin

They also have extensive connections in power circles. For example, one of their business partners is Alexei Krivoruchko, who is now the Deputy Minister of Defense of Russia. Until 2017, they were shareholders of the Kalashnikov arms concern. Putin crime. In a 2007 German criminal case, they appear as holders of the common fund of the Izmailovsky organized criminal group, and in the materials of the Spanish criminal case of 2008 saysthat the money of the Tambov-Malyshev organized criminal group was also laundered through their UMMC.
They also have extensive connections in power circles. So, for example, one of the business partners of Bokarev and Makhmudov is Alexei Krivoruchko, now Deputy Minister of Defense of Russia. Until 2017, Bokarev and Makhmudov were shareholders of the Kalashnikov arms concern. Putin awarded Makhmudov with the medal of the Order “For Services to the Fatherland”.

Despite all this, Bokarev and Makhmudov are not included in the EU sanctions lists. And this is even after the scandal in France: during the journalistic investigations It revealedthat Makhmudov gave bribes to close associates of French President Emmanuel Macron.
Uzbek trace
Iskandar Mahmudov was born in Bukhara, and spent his childhood and youth in Tashkent. One of the new co-owners of Russian Railways assets also turned out to be connected with Uzbekistan.
At the end of May, MPK LLC, through which Bokarev and Makhmudov themselves hold their shares in the CPPK, changed the ownership scheme. Instead of the Cypriot Fredlake Holdings, five Russian legal entities appeared among the founders. Violan belongs to Makhmudov, Elarium to Bokarev, New Solutions and Postulate to the top managers of Transmashholding Kirill Lipa and Dmitry Komissarov, but the beneficiary of KTS was Daniyar Kamilov, the son of the Foreign Minister of Uzbekistan Abdulaziz Kamilov until recently . He recently took up the post of Special Representative of the President of Uzbekistan for Foreign politics.
In Russia, Kamilov Jr. worked in the structures of Gazprombank. Now he owns the Eastern Logistics Company, which is engaged in freight rail transportation. At home in Uzbekistan also involved in the privatization of state assets.