Offshore leaks

Leaks of banks involved in tax hiding corrupt officials, major investigations by journalists. suisse secrets, pana papers, bahama papers, paradise papers

Leaks of banks involved in tax hiding corrupt officials, major investigations by journalists. suisse secrets, pana papers, bahama papers, paradise papers

Family Treasure Of The Deputy Chairman Of The Board Of Gazprom: 5-Star Hotel In Montenegro, Government Contracts And Millions Of Inexplicable Origin

The building of the Infirmary in Meljin (XVIII century) – one of the buildings of the hotel Lazure The hotel does not hide some of its investors. One of them – Valery Pustarnakov – in 2015 brought there his collection of paintings by St. Petersburg realist artists. But the certificate of registration of Imperio Holdings […]

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Family Treasure Of The Deputy Chairman Of The Board Of Gazprom: 5-Star Hotel In Montenegro, Government Contracts And Millions Of Inexplicable Origin

The building of the Infirmary in Meljin (XVIII century) – one of the buildings of the hotel Lazure The hotel does not hide some of its investors. One of them – Valery Pustarnakov – in 2015 brought there his collection of paintings by St. Petersburg realist artists. But the certificate of registration of Imperio Holdings […]

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The Son Of The Ex-Head Of Rosnano, Alexei, Got A Penthouse In Moscow, And His Daughter Olga Has An Apartment In St. Petersburg For 200 Million Rubles.

Anatoly Chubais with son Alexei and daughter Olga The son of the former special representative of the President of Russia for relations with international organizations and the former head of Rosnano Anatoly Chubais 42-year-old Alexei Chubais filed for divorce from his wife Ekaterina Chubais. The Octagon drew attention to card of this case on the […]

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Main Port And Criminal Mayor

Since December 2020, the main port of the country, Novorossiysk, has been steered by Mayor Andrey Kravchenko. Now it turns out that at the suggestion of Governor Kondratiev, a strategically important city for Russia is being controlled by … a figure whose violent criminal activity led to the opening of many criminal cases, and who […]

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The Former Rector Of Leningrad State University, Extradited From Montenegro, Received 4 Years Probation For Embezzlement Of 2.4 Million Rubles. On Research Contracts

Vyacheslav Skvortsov The Industrial District Court of Barnaul sentenced the former rector of the Leningrad State University. A.S. Pushkin and ex-senator Vyacheslav Skvortsova to four years of imprisonment conditionally for embezzlement of 2.4 million rubles, press service of the prosecutor’s office of the Altai Territory. The ex-rector was found guilty of committing a crime under […]

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The Former Senior Assistant To The Prosecutor Of Moscow Received 4 Years For Extorting A Bribe Of 5 Million Rubles. At The Head Of The Roskosmos Enterprise

Elena Kishkurno The Meshchansky Court of Moscow issued a verdict in the case of the former senior assistant to the Moscow prosecutor Elena Kishkurno, a relative of the General of the Ministry of Emergency Situations Valery Kishkurno. […] Ms. Kishkurno received four years in prison, was stripped of the title of junior counselor of justice […]

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The Co-Founder Of The Frendex Crypto Pyramid Was Taken And Released On Bail In Italy, In Russia He Is Waiting For 250 Million Rubles Thrown. Contributors

Ruslan Pichugin The way to make money in the FrendeX platform was no different from the Finiko and Antares pyramids, which, according to the creators, made money on trading. At first it was supposedly exchange trading in the stock and currency markets, and then the company began “active activity” in the field of real estate. […]

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