Offshore leaks

Leaks of banks involved in tax hiding corrupt officials, major investigations by journalists. suisse secrets, pana papers, bahama papers, paradise papers

Leaks of banks involved in tax hiding corrupt officials, major investigations by journalists. suisse secrets, pana papers, bahama papers, paradise papers

Family Treasure Of The Deputy Chairman Of The Board Of Gazprom: 5-Star Hotel In Montenegro, Government Contracts And Millions Of Inexplicable Origin

The building of the Infirmary in Meljin (XVIII century) – one of the buildings of the hotel Lazure The hotel does not hide some of its investors. One of them – Valery Pustarnakov – in 2015 brought there his collection of paintings by St. Petersburg realist artists. But the certificate of registration of Imperio Holdings […]

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Family Treasure Of The Deputy Chairman Of The Board Of Gazprom: 5-Star Hotel In Montenegro, Government Contracts And Millions Of Inexplicable Origin

The building of the Infirmary in Meljin (XVIII century) – one of the buildings of the hotel Lazure The hotel does not hide some of its investors. One of them – Valery Pustarnakov – in 2015 brought there his collection of paintings by St. Petersburg realist artists. But the certificate of registration of Imperio Holdings […]

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Kurdyukov Funds Pavel Astakhov

Looks like the thing Anton Astakhov falls apart in court, meanwhile, the authors of fraud, among which, according to rumors, may be Yuri Kurdyukov, close to Astakhov Sr., walk free. In the criminal case of fraud against Anton Astakhov, the son of the former children’s ombudsman Pavel Astakhov, which is being considered in Samara, there […]

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Is Mitin, Who Is Retiring, Closing Down The Business?

Who is behind the raider takeover?Novgorodobleelectro“? In the Novgorod region, right before the eyes of the public, a raider seizure of an enterprise is unfolding, which could cost the region an important energy facility. They write on social networks that Muravin, the director of Novgorodobleelectro, was recently detained and placed under house arrest. Neither the […]

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Lena For The Minister. Valery Falkov Took The Red-Haired Passion Out Of Tyumen, But Not Tyumen Out Of Her

The story about how she settled in the most important Ministry of Education and Science for the country causes a growing negative resonance. Elena Druzhinina: a fan of “strange values” with the manners of a provincial landowner. The editors of Kompromat-Ural have already drawn the attention of readers to this scandalous character. Above the head […]

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How The Process Of Raiding Operates In Russia Is Explained By Artyom Zuev And Snezhana Georgieva Through Their Words And Visuals.

You will not surprise anyone with the unknown origin of funds for living in Russia. But there are situations out of the ordinary when people demonstratively demonstrate their enormous wealth, while it is not at all clear where it came from. A couple of Artyom Zuev and Snezhana Georgieva lead an exponentially secular lifestyle, spreading […]

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Andrei Nikitin Received 40 Million From Arkady Rotenberg.

In the “dashing 1990s”, when, as you know, everyone ran completely naked, and there was no “vertical of power” yet, bad oligarchs lived in Russia. Among other terrible things, they also promoted close people to power and paid them for various services. Good thing they don’t exist now! True, for some reason, some governors even […]

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