Offshore leaks

Leaks of banks involved in tax hiding corrupt officials, major investigations by journalists. suisse secrets, pana papers, bahama papers, paradise papers

Leaks of banks involved in tax hiding corrupt officials, major investigations by journalists. suisse secrets, pana papers, bahama papers, paradise papers

Family Treasure Of The Deputy Chairman Of The Board Of Gazprom: 5-Star Hotel In Montenegro, Government Contracts And Millions Of Inexplicable Origin

The building of the Infirmary in Meljin (XVIII century) – one of the buildings of the hotel Lazure The hotel does not hide some of its investors. One of them – Valery Pustarnakov – in 2015 brought there his collection of paintings by St. Petersburg realist artists. But the certificate of registration of Imperio Holdings […]

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Family Treasure Of The Deputy Chairman Of The Board Of Gazprom: 5-Star Hotel In Montenegro, Government Contracts And Millions Of Inexplicable Origin

The building of the Infirmary in Meljin (XVIII century) – one of the buildings of the hotel Lazure The hotel does not hide some of its investors. One of them – Valery Pustarnakov – in 2015 brought there his collection of paintings by St. Petersburg realist artists. But the certificate of registration of Imperio Holdings […]

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The Ex-Shareholder Of The Bank “Baltika” Sat Down For 7 Years For The Theft Of 181.7 Million Rubles. With Mortgage Certificates

Oleg Vlasov robbed according to the “High Standard” The ex-shareholder of the bank “Baltika” sat down for 7 years for the theft of 181.7 million rubles. with mortgage certificates The original of this material © vmo24.ru09/26/2022, Capital bankers-swindlers sentenced for stealing pension money, Photo: Kirill Morin Oleg Vlasov The Zamoskvoretsky Court of Moscow issued […]

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The Head Of The Notary Chamber Of The Moscow Region Was Caught Selling A Notary Position For The Son Of A Friend For 5 Million Rubles.

Stanislav Smirnov The Investigative Committee is investigating a criminal case against the chief notary of the Moscow region Stanislav Smirnov. He was detained red-handed by FSB operatives in his office on Ozerkovskaya Embankment in Moscow while receiving a bribe of five million rubles. The notary himself behaved defiantly, denied everything. Kommersant.Ru, 09/22/2022, “The notaries near […]

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“Kommersant” – Environmentalist Kulbachevsky Went Into Hiding

Last weekend, Moscow not only celebrated another anniversary of the capital, but also held elections for municipal deputies. The election campaign, as usual, became the catalyst for new revelations and accusations of corruption among Moscow officials. However, the wave of public actions and exposure of corruption schemes, it seems, this time will not go unnoticed […]

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The Business Interests Of The Former Ukrainian People’s Deputies Lyudmila Denisova And Andriy Senchenko Stretch From Crimea To Europe And The Usa

The diving club is located in house 5 on the Nazukin embankment Denisova became famous when, in an interview with the Swiss edition of Blick, she slandered the Russian military in the most vile way: “They rape so that Ukrainian women can no longer give birth. Rape always happens in public on the street for […]

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The Directors Of The Sverdlov Plant And Rzm-Technology Jsc Were Taken For Kickbacks Of More Than 33 Million Rubles.

Yuri Shumsky The current and former head of the plant. Sverdlov are suspected of criminal conspiracy and organizing a kickback system. According to the newspaper, for already established episodes, the amount of remuneration exceeded 33 million rubles. Yury Shumsky, General Director of FKP Plant named after Y. M. Sverdlov, as well as the head of […]

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