Author: Liam Anderson

Vtb Kostin, The Leader, Takes Out Money From The State Bank Using Donstroy And Plans To Make The Developer Go Bankrupt.

According to some media outlets, citing experts from the Unified Resource of Developers database of developers in Russia, the Moscow development holding Donstroy, as of March 1, ranked sixth in the Russian Federation in terms of housing under construction, and in Moscow the holding won second place in this indicator. In support of this fact, […]

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Donstroy And Vtb: Penalties, Deception, Marriage

Don-Stroy, a developer close to bankruptcy, against which there are a lot of claims from equity holders and creditors, is collecting the tidbits of federal property. Including strategic. As colleagues of the Kompromat.VIP editorial board from the Moscow Post assure, interested parties close to VTB to its head, the cohabitant of TV personality Asker-Zade Andrey […]

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The Building “Empire” Under The Control Of Vtb: Jsc Sk Donstroy And Other Dishonest Activities

Is Andrey Kostin a banker, a land tycoon and a developer rolled into one? The construction company Hals-development associated with VTB gained control over three sites located in the east and southeast of the capital, previously owned by Mosmetrostroy. The assets could be transferred to the developer by the bank: the commercial structures that previously […]

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Alena Deryabina And Her Thermal Divorce: Donstroy Controls The Ministry Of Internal Affairs With The Help Of Decided And Corrupt Law Enforcement Officers

The infamous developer Donstroy, controlled by the state bank VTB, regularly makes tranches for ex-employees of the DEB of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, headed by Andrey Khorev, for connecting objects to heat, Kompromat-Ural editorial colleagues report. Information is hushed up in order to prevent responses from the Prosecutor General’s Office, the Investigative Committee of […]

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Kostin From Vtb Helps Donstroy, A Struggling Developer, With Financial Problems Using Government Funds, Saving It From Bankruptcy.

In whose interests is VTB “slowing down” the bankruptcy of a loss-making developer? The once largest Moscow developer Donstroy is going through hard times today: its structures are declaring billions in losses, the volume of debt obligations is growing, creditors are turning to the courts, and they, in turn, satisfy their claims. In addition, residents […]

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Donstroy Is Caught In A Difficult Position Between Andrey Kostin'S Vtb And State-Run Companies.

Press continues to publish critical articles about the Donstroy company and its owner, VTB Bank and the “ultimate beneficiary” Andrey Kostin. The work of Donstroy, its facilities and maintenance of houses are criticized. But the most important aspect that journalists dwell on is the opaque ownership structure of the Donstroy corporation and the role of […]

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Fleet Of “Purse” Medvedev

The son of Dmitry Medvedev turned out to be connected with his father’s “purse”, the oligarch Yusufov. Medvedev Jr. received income from the Russian firm of one of Yusufov’s sons. The second son of Yusufov does business in the USA and owns an office center in California. The Yusufovs, according to @metlapress, drive expensive cars […]

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