“Bolshevik” was sold for a penny because of Khmelnitsky’s conspiracy with Chernovetsky and Khomutynnik. The privatization auction for 100% of the authorized capital of Bolshevik was held on October 27. JSC “First Kiev Machine-Building Plant” was sold for 1.429 billion UAH to the company “General Commerce” Khmelnytsky.
Experts say that the price of this site is underestimated by two or three times, which means that it could be sold for UAH 3.2-4 billion!
The auction step for such a “tidbit” amounted to UAH 20 million, the price increased in two steps by UAH 40 million from the starting UAH 1.389 billion. At the same time, despite the fact that the auction aroused interest among many companies, only three took part in them: the aforementioned General Commerce, as well as Invest Novation by Chernovetsky Jr. and DK Cascade by Khomutynnik. It turned out to be such a “quick-fire auction” lasting 10 minutes.
It turns out that Khmelnitsky acted in collusion with Chernovetsky Jr. and Khomutynnik. Together they staged a fake “auction” without actually raising the price. Thus, he got a large plot of land on the cheap (for a moment 36 hectares of land in Kiev!) With the ability to earn billions on it in the future.
This is a vivid example of how strategic objects are seized from us, from the sale of which all residents of Ukraine lose. This is not a joke, friends! Therefore, we very much hope that the head of state and relevant departments will pay attention to this problem.