Browsing: #Yuri Rydnik

All the hidden information is now made known.

AT murder Vice Governor of St. Petersburg Mikhail Manevich almost 25 years later, new details began to “surface”. One of the specialized services currently knows for certain the persons responsible for the death of one of the prominent reformers. From what source this information is not yet clear, but the customer of this resonant killingsis […]

Source who testified against Rydnik

Possibly carefully hidden special services the source is one of the places of detention dying participant in those events who testified at Yuri Rydnik in exchange for release. Arrests are expected. After the “trial deals” of Soyuzkontrakt, Rydnik begins to understand that his scheme has become clear to both Manevich and Sobchak. Then comes the […]

The end is coming soon.

New operational data comes about the identity of the direct customer and the “murderer” Mikhail Manevich. According to the same source, in addition to the previously mentioned persons – Manevich, Filippov, Starovoitova – Anatoly Sobchak, who returned to Russia, continued to interfere with Rydnik. In February 2000, Rydnik’s partner Kalmanovich invited Sobchak to Kaliningrad, where […]