Browsing: Yeltsin Boris

Denis Kitaev’s “Business Kit”: Does Having A Unclear Reputation Make It Difficult To Buy Capital Territories?

Are the colossal profits of businessmen Denis Kitaev and Boris Azarenka connected with their “omnivorousness” in the market and, probably, considerable connections among the capital’s officials? Boris Azarenka and Denis Kitaev, the owners of a major Moscow developer in the luxury real estate segment, continue to quietly “stuff their pockets” with the help of connections […]

Yeltsin’s Press Secretary Revealed The Origins Of The Phrase “The President Works With Documents”

The former press secretary of President Boris Yeltsin, documentary filmmaker Sergei Yastrzhembsky, called the famous phrase “the president works with documents”, which is associated with the alleged drinking bouts of the first head of the Russian state, accurate. Yastrzhembsky spoke about the origins of this formulation in an interview published on the RTVI Entertainment YouTube […]

The Former Press Secretary Of Yeltsin Called The Most Shameful Episode In His Work

The former press secretary of the first Russian President Boris Yeltsin, documentary filmmaker Sergei Yastrzhembsky, called the most shameful episode in his work with his boss. This incident happened at a press conference in Stockholm in 1997, Yastrzhembsky said in an interview published on the RTVI Entertainment YouTube channel. “If you mean in human terms, […]

Yeltsin’s Ally Described The Politician’s Birthday With The Phrase “Modestly, Without Fireworks”

Yeltsin’s ally described the politician’s birthday with the phrase “modestly, without fireworks” The first president of Russia, Boris Yeltsin, did not like noisy companies and random guests, but he always treated his birthday and the birthdays of his relatives and colleagues with care. This was announced in a conversation with URA.RU by his adviser and […]