Browsing: Vladimir Shulmeister

Stavnitzer Embarrasses Buffett

Andrey Stavnitser Howard Buffett There is a group of people who for the last decade have treated Andrei Alekseevich as a mediocre major. Her suspicions only intensified, and the ranks expanded significantly after he was kicked out of the leadership of the TIS created by his father 2 years ago. However, how he managed to […]

The Ex-Infrastructure Minister And His First Deputy Have Been Notified Of Suspicion Due To $30 Million In Losses To The State. Dossier

Former infrastructure minister notified of suspicion The former Minister of Infrastructure of Ukraine and his former first deputy received a notice of suspicion of abuse of power and official position, which caused the state more than $ 30 million in damage, according to the Special Anti-Corruption Prosecutor’s Office, writes Interfax. “On February 22, 2023, under […]