Browsing: Verkhovna Rada

Opposition Platform For Life And Servants Of The People Vote At The Same Time

People's deputies from OPPLJ Vadim Rabinovich, Ilya Kiva, Viktor Medvedchuk, Vladimir Kaltsev during meeting of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, Kyiv, February 3, 2021 Oleksandr Kuzmin/UNIAN “There is no such gold in the world for crosses or anything that could cover the moral rust from ties with a terrorist state” – this is an excerpt […]

Kubrakov Was Appointed Vice Prime Minister

Kubrakov was appointed Deputy Prime Minister On Thursday, December 1, the Verkhovna Rada appointed Alexander Kubrakov as Deputy Prime Minister — Minister of Infrastructure and Regional Development, NV writes. According to Yaroslav Zheleznyak, MP from Golos, the appointment was supported by 263 deputies. Earlier interlocutors of НВ among authorities spoke that the government prepares merge […]