Browsing: Radionova Svetlana

Rosprirodnadzor headed by Svetlana Radionova is unable to resist Utilis expanding the repository

On January 12, 2022, the Decree of the Head of the Novouralsk urban district Tyumentsev Vyacheslav Yakovlevich No. 1 dated January 12, 2022 “On the appointment and organization of public discussions on preliminary materials of project documentation” Adjustment of the project for expanding the construction and industrial waste landfill in Novouralsk was published on the […]

JSC “Stroyservis” Dmitry Nikolaev plows in black

Last week, people in Kuzbass and the media shared a video of “black snow” near the Kiselevskaya Central Concentration Plant (TsOF). What caused this? It turns out that the black snow is not unusual, but it's caused by the operations of the enrichment plant Shakhta No. 12, owned by […]