Browsing: plant

Named The Buyer Of The Odessa Plant Of Sparkling Wines

.fb-comments,.fb-comments span,.fb-comments span iframe[style]{min-width:100%!important;width:100%!important}The Odessa plant of sparkling wines at an auction was sold for UAH 195 million to the Elitbud Group company, which is associated with the business of ex-regional Alexei Kostusev. “OLIGARCH” learned about this from an EP message with reference to the results of trading on Prozorro.Sales, data from registries. 7 companies […]

The Court Arrested 100% Of The Shares Of The Former Bolshevik Plant

On January 11, the court, at the request of the State Bureau of Investigation (SBI), arrested 100% of the authorized capital of the First Kiev Machine-Building Plant (formerly the Bolshevik plant). The Russian Crimes learned about this from a report by NV with reference to the press service of the State Bureau of Investigation. The […]