Browsing: pensioners

Privatbank Started Debiting Financial Aid From Cards •

PrivatBank started debiting financial assistance from cards Privatbank customers began to complain massively online that a financial institution was taking social assistance, pensions, etc. from cards. d. After the start of a full-scale war, many citizens found themselves in a difficult financial situation. But the financial institution explained what the matter was, Technofan writes. One […]

Pensioners Wanted To Pay The 13Th Pension

Pensioners wanted to pay the 13th pension The State Duma announced its intention to consider a bill on the payment of the 13th pension this fall. About it writes newspaper “Izvestia”. According to the proposed innovation, the elderly will be entitled to annual payments in December. It is also planned to double the fixed payment […]

What Changes Can Russians Expect In June 2022

Next month, Russian citizens are waiting for several important innovations. They will affect pensioners, IT people, football fans, as well as drivers and those who plan to go on vacation in the summer. Increase in pensions From June 1, pensioners who left their jobs in February 2022 will receive increased pensions. In this case, citizens […]

Irkutsk Pensioner, Who Rented An Office To Navalny’s Headquarters, They Want To Send To The Pnd

In Irkutsk, 65-year-old Sergei Bugaev, who rented an office to Navalny’s headquarters in 2019*, is being forced to be hospitalized in a psychiatric clinic. About this himself Bugaev told Sibir.Realii publication**. The decision on his involuntary hospitalization was appointed during the renewal of a driver’s license. Bugaev himself attributes this to support for activists. According […]

Russian Pensioner Received 12 Years In Prison For Treason

Russian pensioner sentenced to 12 years in a strict regime colony for high treason in the form of espionage. This was announced on Monday, February 7, by the Primorsky Regional Court. As the court found, the convict was collecting information about modern sonar systems for detecting submarines, constituting a state secret, for transfer to a […]

A Pensioner From Saratov Transferred More Than 17 Million Rubles To Scammers

A pensioner from Saratov transferred more than 17 million rubles to scammers Strangers convinced an elderly man to transfer funds due to allegedly questionable bank card transactions. Police officers put on the wanted list the swindlers who deceived the pensioner by 17 million rubles. According to the press service of the regional department of the […]