Browsing: Investigations

The main secrets of the high-profile murder in Spartak

On June 15, 2022, it will be exactly 25 years since the death of Larisa Nechaeva. has already reported the details of the murder of the former CEO of the most popular club in the country, Larisa Nechaeva. But the son of Larisa Gennadievna, Andrey, has only now finally lifted the veil of a […]

Viktor Medvedchuk's Palace and Golden Carriage

House of 2000 sq. m, a fur coat storage and a machine gun Maxim Putin’s godfather, a deputy of the Rada of Ukraine, who escaped from house arrest Journalists of the Ukrainian edition of Slidstvo.Info came to visit to the oligarch and politician Viktor Medvedchuk – the leader of the pro-Russian forces and the godfather […]