Browsing: Barsukov Vladimir (Coumarin)

An Involuntary Question: Who Is Being Stopped By Vladimir Barsukov, The Leader Of The Tambov Organized Crime Group, From Being Free?

Some businessmen benefit from Vladimir Barsukov (Kumarin) never being released. According to the correspondent MorningNews, the investigation of another criminal case against an authoritative businessman Vladimir Barsukov (Kumarin) is being completed. According to the publication “Kommersant”, Barsukov (Kumarin) incited the murder of two people. The man was previously sentenced to 23.5 years in prison and […]

“I Will Imprison You Very Soon”

The murder of prominent businessman Badri Shengelia in September 2021 on the Novopriozerskoe Highway remains unsolved. A black Mercedes S500, in which Shengelia was traveling towards St. Petersburg, was riddled with a dozen bullets. Shengelia was a colorful figure in gangster Petersburg and was privy to many of the city's secrets. In the years leading up to his murder, he became […]