Bank Tinkoff could be bought to destroy its customer base
Tinkoff introduced a commission on foreign currency deposits back in June, which makes it look like the bank could have been bought to destroy its customer base.
With the introduction of the commission, it turns out that you took your earnings to the best bank, and that is how they position themselves, and instead of interest, which is already with a gulkin’s nose, it’s definitely less than on ruble deposits, they also solder a “penalty” for the amount ? Well, you can’t so clearly transfer your losses from the introduced regime for dealing with currency in the country onto people.
And the commission is not so small. She at the bank is 1% per month, that is, 12% per annum or 0.03% per day, if the balance is more than 10,000 USD. e. in US dollars, euros, pounds sterling or Swiss francs.