Russian Mafia

Russian mafia – news from the criminal world of Eastern Europe.

Russian mafia – news from the criminal world of Eastern Europe.

No One Will Survive: A Search Is On For 'Criminal Generals'

In the Turkish city of Mersin, an attempt was made on the thief in law Rafik Eyvazov (Rafik Massalinsky). He was hospitalized with four bullet wounds. Sources of the VChK-OGPU telegram channel and said that the crime boss Namik Salifov and his “right hand” Polad were behind the attack. They are very successful in […]

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No One Will Survive: A Search Is On For 'Criminal Generals'

In the Turkish city of Mersin, an attempt was made on the thief in law Rafik Eyvazov (Rafik Massalinsky). He was hospitalized with four bullet wounds. Sources of the VChK-OGPU telegram channel and said that the crime boss Namik Salifov and his “right hand” Polad were behind the attack. They are very successful in […]

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Kulibaba 2.0

In the investigating authorities, there is a fashion for comebacks. From the bowels of the “gangster Petersburg” they get old dusty, but still powerful figures of criminal bosses of the 90s. Vladimir Barsukov-Kumarinin addition to the charge of murder Galina Starovoitova, have already prepared two new ones. Pulled from the ashes of history Vladimir Kulibaba. […]

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Coumarin And Emptiness

In St. Petersburg, a holiday-holiday. Lawyers Vladimir Kumarinafter 14 years, finally got the opportunity to get acquainted with the materials of the case on murder George Pozdnyakov and Jan Gurevsky. In fact, this fact indicates that in fact there will be no trial on charges of an authoritative businessman. Why is this a thing and […]

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Hydra Of Money

Judicial procedural May in St. Petersburg promises to be eventful. In addition to various high-profile processes, there will be another one – inconspicuous. The banal case of the fraud of a criminal authority actually hides a whole almanac about the extortion of money from detainees in the Gorelovo pre-trial detention center by the Federal Penitentiary […]

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Elephant Detective

Monstrous story killings Indian businessman Subarau Warakanti in 2001, received its continuation in St. Petersburg. the 6th of May Dzerzhinsky District Court of St. Petersburg sent an Indian citizen to a colony Harpindara Gillaarrested 21 years later. The details of this twisted criminal case were found out by the editors of the online publication “Kompromat […]

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The Police Suspected The Ex-Wife Of The Editor-In-Chief Of “Mk” Gusev Of Stealing Paintings From Him

Police officers detained Evgenia Efimova, the ex-wife of Pavel Gusev, editor-in-chief of the Moskovsky Komsomolets newspaper, on suspicion of stealing paintings and collection books from him. About it TASS said a law enforcement source. According to him, after conducting investigative actions with the woman, she was released on bail. In the fall of 2018, Gusev […]

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