Media workers

Media workers (Russia) associated with corruption and involved in offshore fraud.

Media workers (Russia) associated with corruption and involved in offshore fraud.

Zeynalova Lrada

Zeynalova lrada Date of Birth 20 February 1972 Zeynalova lrada Citizenship Russia Zeynalova lrada Professional field/official position/ TV Presenter Zeynalova lrada biography ZEYNALOVA Irada Avtandilovna was born on February 20, 1972. She is a long-time employee of the Russian Channel One. From 2007 to 2010, she was the Head of the Bureau of Channel One […]

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Zeynalova Lrada

Zeynalova lrada Date of Birth 20 February 1972 Zeynalova lrada Citizenship Russia Zeynalova lrada Professional field/official position/ TV Presenter Zeynalova lrada biography ZEYNALOVA Irada Avtandilovna was born on February 20, 1972. She is a long-time employee of the Russian Channel One. From 2007 to 2010, she was the Head of the Bureau of Channel One […]

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Sharoykina Elena

SHAROYKINA Elena Akinfovna (b. 1979 in Dnipropetrovsk) began her career on the Dnipropetrovsk regional television while still studying at the university. She hosted programs on political and social issues and worked as a parliamentary correspondent in the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine.

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Shakhnazarov Mikhail

Shakhnazarov Mikhail Professional field/official position  Propagandist Shakhnazarov Mikhail biography Shakhnazarov Mihails (Latvian spelling) is a host on the Tsargrad TV channel, and also he collaborates with RT. Born in Riga, Latvia, he studied at the All-Russian State University of Cinematography (VGIK). Then he tried to do business. According to some reports, he led the Moscow […]

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Shafran Anna

SHAFRAN Anna Borisovna began her career in Tver as a DJ on Nashe Radio. In 2003, Palyukh-Shafran moved to Moscow and began working as a DJ on the Silver Rain radio station.

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Serukanov Vitaly

Serukanov Vitaly born on February 13, 1986. Until December 2017, he was a volunteer, and then an employee of Alexei Navalny’s FBK. He left the organization as deputy head of the Moscow headquarters during the campaign for the registration of Alexei Navalny as a candidate for the presidency of Russia.

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Scheinin Artem

SHEININ Artem Grigoryevich (b. 1966) is the Russian propagandist and presenter of the talk show Vremya Pokazhet (Time Will Tell) on the state-controlled Channel One. Since 2008, he has also been the director of the Pozner program. Since July 2017, he has been hosting the talk show First Studio on Channel One.

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