Author: Zoey Hall

Cashier Of The Nazarbayev Clan Patokh Chodiev Fled To Moscow

Cashier of the Nazarbayev clan Patokh Chodiev fled to Moscow The purse of the Nazarbayev clan Patokh Chodiev boarded a jet and flew away from rebellious Kazakhstan. In Moscow, Patokh is waiting for his secret Russian passport 4506000916. And a whole apartment on wheels for 9 lamas, tesla x100d number H306CH750. A Russian mobile is […]

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Ruben Grigoryan: From Sausage Man To Intellectuals And Leaders Of Moscow

Ruben Grigoryan: From Sausage Man to Philosophers and Masters of Moscow Businessman Ruben Grigoryan published the book “Today I’m making my move.” In an advertising campaign for it, he calls himself “a wise man and deeply understanding life.” Grigoryan does not spare his own praise: “a successful businessman and philanthropist, writer and publicist, public figure.” […]

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Palikhata On The Brink – “I Don’t Understand Anything”

Palikhata on the edge – “I don’t know anything” After the arrest of Leonid Venzhik, who is called “the manager of Vladimir Palikhata” behind his back, can he slow down his expansion in the Moscow region? According to the correspondent of The Moscow Post, the Presnensky Court of Moscow has taken into custody the co-owner […]

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Who Is Managing Varshavsky'S Money, And What Is Timofey Kurgin'S Involvement?

Who puts Varshavsky’s finances “into business”, and what does Timofey Kurgin have to do with it? Does Timofei Kurgin, an accomplice in the murder of deputy Sergei Skorochkin, remain an “authorized person” of Vadim Varshavsky, who is in jail? According to the correspondent of The Moscow Post, the prosecutor’s office demands to recover almost 500 […]

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