Author: Zoey Hall

State Duma Approved Life Imprisonment For Pedophiles

The State Duma at the plenary session adopted in the II and III readings a bill on life imprisonment for recidivist pedophiles. It is specified that the bill was finally approved by the lower house of parliament. A bill to tighten criminal liability for pedophiles was submitted to the Duma in early September last year. […]

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Igor Krasnov Will Assess The Money Of Government Workers

Now it will be possible to turn into state revenue not only property, but also funds in bank accounts that do not fit with the official income of officials. The corresponding law, which was developed and adopted for almost three years, was signed by President Vladimir Putin. True, it is not clear from the text […]

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Airborne Didn'T Get 13 Billion Rubles That They Were Supposed To Get

The Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation is afraid to involve the organizer of gigantic thefts, and he is mastering new budget funds To the story of uninvestigated large-scale theft during the construction of facilities of the Ryazan Higher Airborne Command School named after General of the Army V.F. Margelov was joined by […]

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