Author: Liam Anderson

Novinsky’s Company Sold Odessa Land To A Citizen Of Georgia

.fb-comments, .fb-comments span, .fb-comments span iframe[style]{min-width:100%!important;width:100%!important}Vadim Novinsky sold land plots in Odessa intended for housing construction to a citizen of Georgia, Vladimir Akaev. OLIGARKH learned about this from a message from NV-Business. The Antimonopoly Committee of Ukraine permitted the concentration through the acquisition by Buildin-Group LLC of a share in the authorized capital of Ukraine […]

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Zelensky Wants Restrictions On Oligarchs To Apply Outside Of Ukraine

At the last meeting of the National Security and Defense Council, President Volodymyr Zelensky set the task of working out a mechanism for interaction with international and foreign partners so that the status of an oligarch and the restrictions associated with it do not remain exclusively within the country, Minister of Justice Denis Malyuska said […]

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The Court Denied The Request Of Samara Billionaire Vyacheslav Sheyanov To Win The Lawsuit Against The Network Edition “Version”

The court refused the Samara billionaire Vyacheslav Sheyanov to satisfy the lawsuit against the network edition “Version” Vyacheslav Sheyanov filed a lawsuit against the Versiya newspaper in August 2021 to protect business reputation. The businessman insisted on refuting the data from the April Fool’s Laundry article. On January 11, 2022, the Moscow Arbitration Court, having […]

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&Quot;Honey Trap&Quot; For The Oligarch

Recent revelations about Katerina Bosov, the widow of the former coal magnate, shed new light on the case of bringing Dmitry Bosov to suicide, making it worthy of further scrutiny by the media and law enforcement agencies.

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Billionaires In Kazakhstan Lost Money Due To Riots

Billionaires in Kazakhstan, including family members of former President Nursultan Nazarbayev, are losing billions of dollars as stocks plunge amid unrest across the country, Forbes reports. According to the publication, a total of four Kazakh billionaires, including Nazarbayev’s daughter and son-in-law, “poorer” by three billion dollars compared to January 4 due to the situation in […]

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Billionaires In Kazakhstan Lost Money Due To Riots

Billionaires in Kazakhstan, including family members of former President Nursultan Nazarbayev, are losing billions of dollars as stocks plunge amid unrest across the country, Forbes reports. According to the publication, a total of four Kazakh billionaires, including Nazarbayev’s daughter and son-in-law, “poorer” by three billion dollars compared to January 4 due to the situation in […]

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Akhmetov’s Fortune In 2021 Increased By More Than 50%

Akhmetov’s fortune in 2021 increased by more than 50% The total value of the assets of Ukrainian entrepreneur Rinat Akhmetov increased by 55% in 2021. This is reported by the American edition of Bloomberg. In 2021, Akhmetov’s fortune increased by $4.14 billion. Now it is $11.7 billion. Rinat Akhmetov took 190th place in the ranking […]

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