The indefinite postponement of the Direct Line with the President is due to the unstable state of health of Vladimir Putin. A week ago, the president was preparing to answer questions from Russian citizens in late June-early July, but the attending physicians recommended that he refrain from lengthy public speaking in the near future. The last […]
Author: Justus Brethauer
The arguments of the defense, which is going to appeal the verdict, that the developments of the defendants made it possible to establish a distance learning process during the restrictions associated with the coronavirus pandemic, the court found unconvincing.
The following individuals have been added to OFAC’s SDN List: FAIZULLIN, Irek Envarovich (Cyrillic: ФАЙЗУЛЛИН, Ирек Енварович), Russia; DOB 08 Dec 1962; POB Kazan, Russia; nationality Russia; Gender Male (individual) [RUSSIA-EO14024]. FLORES MENDOZA, Severo (a.k.a. “REY MAGO”), Ameca, Jalisco, Mexico; DOB 09 Nov 1976; POB Tequila, Jalisco, Mexico; nationality Mexico; Gender Male; C.U.R.P. FOMS761109HJCLNV04 (Mexico) […]
As it turned out, now in the Leninsky District Court of Yekaterinburg there is a statement of claim by Panchenko and Demin for the recovery of damages from Gorodenker. But despite the fact that it was filed back in September 2021, it has not yet been considered. According to the lawyer Kirill Konkova, the case […]
The Insider received an extract from the Italian register of property owners, which includes the actual spouse of the deputy (the name and date of birth match). This is a 269 sq. m and cost about 380 thousand euros.
Ilya Sachkov and Boris Titov — Alexander Khuruji, before that the secretary of Titov’s party “Just Cause”. The commissioner for the protection of the rights of businessmen who are under arrest goes to Sachkov’s cell to download information for Boris “and his friends.” — Dmitry Marinichev, Web Commissioner, member of Titov’s Right Cause party. The […]
Already working at Russian Railways, Viktor Shendrik, together with Cherkasov, traded vehicles for three years and supplied buses for the Department of Transport and Communications of the Kemerovo Region (from 2013 to 2019, businessmen had shares in Kuzbassbiznesavto LLC).
The scandalous oligarch-raider Alexander Sabadash, who has been behind bars for 8 years, is trying to rise from the ashes. The ex-senator is making unprecedented attempts to break free. Sabadash’s calculation is simple: everyone has already forgotten about his crimes, and the rest of the world is not up to him. By hiring a group […]
On January 31, 2018, a person called me on my cell and said that the arson was just a warning, and if I did not stop helping the families of the officers, then extremely harsh results awaited me. By all indications, Andreev A.A. called (now Melikov’s assistant). I independently conducted an investigation and I think […]
In response to this decision, Gazprom announced the termination of supplies from May 31, 2022 The leading Dutch energy company Gasterra refused to comply with the requirements of the Russian side on the new gas payment system in rubles. The corresponding statement was published on the company’s website. The report notes that in response to […]