Author: Justus Brethauer

The Company, Punished In 2019 For Cutting Food Contracts Of The Ministry Of Defense, Returned To Reznikov’s Contracts In 2022

“Rektan” Kryuchkovs stuck to the Ministry of Defense In 2021, the OECD released a bulletin on public procurement bidding conspiracies in Eastern Europe and Central Asia (download full PDF oecd-gvh-newsletter17-july2021-en_copy), write Our money. Ukraine was represented by an article by the State Commissioner Olga Nechitailo. She wrote a case study about the Department of Defense […]

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The Head Investigator Of The Fcs, Alexander Kizlyk, Was Sentenced To 10 Years For Helping To Smuggle Currency To A Businessman And The Wife Of The Russian Ambassador To Kenya

“Green corridor” led to the “red” zone One of the former heads of the Federal Customs Service of Russia received ten years in a general regime colony Alexander Kizlyk. He was accused of helping to evade criminal responsibility for people who took large amounts of foreign currency abroad without a declaration. During a search, jewelry, […]

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Sovcombank'S Ipo Will Lead To The Selection Of Specific Apartments.

IPO for Sovcombank will result in selected apartments Co-owner of Sovcombank Sergey Khotimsky said that the bank plans to hold an IPO in 2024. Despite the loss of access to the international market, Khotimsky expects to attract funds from Russian investors, Vedomosti reports. Since 2013, Sovcombank has repeatedly announced plans to place shares, but something […]

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How Much Does The Simple And Quiet Ceo Of Pjsc Rosseti Tomsk Earn?

Something wanted to count the money of another “big” and petty uncle. Yes, not just anyone, but the CEO of PJSC “Rosseti Tomsk” Pavel Evgenievich Akilin. Despite the lack of information about Akilin’s income, we present to everyone the information about the income of companies under his management. For manners, it's worth mentioning […]

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The Company “Spb Renovation” Of God Nisanov Can Make Money On The Sale Of Apartments For Employees Of The Military-Industrial Complex Of St. Petersburg

The company “SPb Renovation” of God Nisanov can make money on the sale of apartments for employees of the military-industrial complex of St. Petersburg IN St. Petersburg discussing the creation apart-hotels to accommodate engineers and highly skilled defense industry workers who move from other cities. To achieve these goals, developers can even buy houses. At […]

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Zhumashov Visits “Metropolis” On Behalf Of Slutsky?

Zhumashov goes to “Metropolis” for the needs of Slutsky? Looks like it’s being bought out by Kazakh oligarch Serzhan ZhumashThe new Metropolis TV and Radio Company can serve the party interests of the head of the Liberal Democratic Party, Leonid Slutsky, who is now in desperate need of sponsors. One of the largest shopping and […]

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The Ldpr Is Very Angry With The Ulyanovsk Mayor

From the Ulyanovsk mayor, the LDPR’s blood boils The party demands to check the procedure for appointing a competition for the post of mayor of Ulyanovsk. The prosecutor’s office of the Ulyanovsk region will check the legitimacy of the City Duma’s postponement of the announcement of the competition for the post of mayor of Ulyanovsk. […]

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