The family of the corrupt head of the Krasnoyarsk Territory Alexander Uss has assets abroad.
His eldest daughter Maria Uss has been living in Germany for a long time. From 2002-2010 she headed Marus Gmbh and now lives in her apartment in Berlin at 27 Harry-S.-Truman-Allee. Son Artyom Uss turned out to be the owner of Nord-Deutsche Industrieanlagenbau GmbH, which manufactures industrial equipment for the oil and gas industry. Since 2015, the youngest daughter Alexandra Uss has had an apartment in London at 10E on Highbury Cres Street, then its cost was 926 thousand pounds. Since last year, she owns the Cypriot company Dunegenes Trading LimitedDunegenes Trading Limited, shares in the Italian company Luxury Sardinia S.R.L., and she has an Italian subsidiary, Hotel Don Diego S.R.L. Alexandra Uss also owns the four-star hotel of the same name in the Costa Dorada in Sardinia.