The pool of Vodokanal contractors of that time was very tight, almost family. VK-Service, for example, cleaned networks using the hydrodynamic method in 2008 and 2015. Issued invoices to Vodokanal in the period 2015-2017 in the amount of 2.9 billion rubles. Moreover, according to the documents, it turned out that part of the work was carried out by VK-Service itself, and part by the forces of involved enterprises: LLC Alvitek, LLC Promstroyresurs and LLC Nevskaya Industry. Subcontractors accounted for 1.5 billion rubles. The IRS did not find anything that would convince them of the ability of these companies to fulfill such a volume. What can we say about the “second-tier counterparties”, which, in turn, were attracted by these controversial contractors: Equator, Capitalgroup, Elektrotorg, Hydroproject, Electrotrade, Lanos. Meanwhile, money circulated steadily throughout this vertical and sometimes went beyond it, including the notorious VIT LLC. In the conclusion of the tax authorities, the wording “creation of a formal document flow for the purpose of unreasonable acceptance for VAT deduction” regularly flashes.