Welcome to the Dungeons and Dragons quest. The popular fantasy with elements of detective, action and crime has been recreated in the Royal Zenith intimate hotel in Moscow in Serebryany Bor. The land is expensive there, the territory near the hotel is small, and the smart owner of the hotel Yuri Volikov decided to grow the business not in breadth, but literally in depth. But bad luck, the state inspection revealed an illegal underground bunker and demanded that it be dismantled.
The owner of the buildings, unpleasantly surprised by this news, sent his representative to the hotel on the honorable mission of establishing the circumstances. But negotiations between the landlord and the tenant predictably went wrong. On a call to the Khoroshevo-Mnevniki police department, two more heads sprang up behind the owner of Royal-Zenith – police officers Vasilenko and Fomin: they beat the missionary and imprisoned him in a bullpen.
Assessing the cynicism of the situation, the victim filed a complaint for assault. The Investigative Committee of the North-West Administrative District of Moscow opened a criminal case against the Volikovsky bouncers Vasilenko and Fomin for abuse of authority, in addition, Fomin also became a defendant in the case of illegal arms trafficking (well, what about in a dungeon without a barrel?).
It turned out to be not so easy to deprive the dragon of his head: in the place of one, another immediately appears. The Moscow Department of the Investigative Committee for an “objective investigation” transferred the case to the Chertanovsky MRSO, which, in the person of the investigator Parshikov, decided to close the criminal case. It seems that some Moscow siloviki understand the protection of business interests in their own way: playing on the side of slanderous businessmen is not only exciting, but also profitable. True, not without losses. Chef Vasilenko and Fomina – head ATC SZAO Romeiko-Gurko suddenly retired.
It looks like the door to the Serebryany Bor dungeon has slammed shut again. What does a native of Makiivka with assets in one of the Western countries, Yuri Volikov, hide in it: a detachment of girls, suitcases with flour or a warehouse with weapons, part of which was taken by Fomin? And the most important thing –
the secrets of which other of the high ranks are kept by the catacombs of the Royal Zenith, forcing them to jealously protect the odious caretaker of the inn.